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Our Mission
School Mission Statement: La Salle Academy is a welcoming Catholic educational community dedicated to living and promoting Gospel values, educating the whole child, and encouraging students to be responsible lifelong learners. We recognize that all children are created with talents and abilities, which can be discovered, nurtured and developed. It is our commitment to challenge our students to attain their personal best.
Diocesan Mission Statement: We, the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Scranton, are committed to educate students and their families in the Catholic faith. We provide a Catholic education that is spiritually sound and academically excellent. We strive to prepare our students to be faith-filled leaders and life long learners dedicated to serving the church and society.
Also in this section:
La Salle Academy, as a Catholic School, promotes and encourages strong moral values through religious activities and instruction.
At La Salle Academy, we recognize that all people are created with talents and abilities, which can be discovered, nurtured and developed. It is​​ our commitment to challenge the children to a greatness in attaining their personal best.
We strive to help our students discover and share their talents through comprehensive Performing Arts and Creative Arts Programs​​. La Salle Academy believes that Christ is the reason for our school, the unseen and ever present teacher in all of our classes; the model of our faculty, and the inspiration of our students.
We strive to provide as safe, nurturing and caring environment that is conductive to the growth and development of the whole child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, social and physical.​​
We enable the children to learn and grow in God's love, in respect for self and others, in integrity, justice and personal responsibilities.
We believe that the Christian environment is one in which Faith is living and active in love of God and neighbor, coupled with service to others.
We believe that our school offers a child centered "Community of Faith" embracing children of valued ethnicity and faiths working together toward integrating Gospel values in all aspects of life.​​​​
We believe that our students will develop a well informed conscience through the teaching of Catholic Doctrine and beliegf, the celebration of Liturgy and the Sacraments, and the modeling of Christian attitudes and actions by school administration, faculty and staff.
We believe we provide the means for each child to develop a positive self image and attain his/her potential in all areas.
We strive to maintain high standards across the curriculum focusing on the mastery of basic skills, knowledge and technology that will sustain children for life and ensure integration of up-to-date technology throughout the curriculum.
We accommodate students with different needs and abilities and recognize the uniqueness of each child.​​​​​​​
We believe that our parents are truly the primary teachers of their children, and we encourage and promote parent involvement, by frequent and various methods of contact to promote a partnership around the children, to help them grow into mature, moral and confident individuals ready to make a difference in a complex world.​​